Peterborough School

Learn to Live.

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Primary history

The history syllabus is one part of H.S.I.E. (Human Society and Its Environment). Primary students participate in a school program, based on the history syllabus. Students learn about themselves, their personal and family history and special events related to Australian history. Special events that help students to engage in Australian history include ANZAC Day and NAIDOC celebrations.

High school history

History is a part of the Stage 4/5 and Stage 6 H.S.I.E. syllabus. Students learn about history using skills such as discussing, comparing, observing and experiencing.  

History is studied through a variety of programs including;  community access, technology, classroom experiences, special days and excursions. High school students study history related to Australia and other countries. Included in the history scope and sequence are the study of Australia which focuses on Indigenous culture and popular culture. Japanese, Italian and Indonesian cultures are also part of the history scope and sequence.