Peterborough School

Learn to Live.

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Literacy in the primary classroom

Primary students develop their literacy skills using a variety of school based and commercial programs and resources.  These programs meet the very individual needs of Peterborough students. 

'Four Blocks Literacy' strategies form the basis of our literacy programs. Programs in guided reading, working with words, self selected reading and writing provide  comprehensive literacy instruction for our students. Resources including word walls, book bags,  single word readers, reading programs online, and ebooks may be part of class programming to develop literacy.

Literacy in the high school classroom

High school classes successfully use '4 Blocks Literacy' strategies to develop reading and writing skills.  

Literacy is also developed during life skills sessions such as work crews, cooking, H.S.I.E.  and electives. 

Technology is an important resource in all literacy programs.

Literacy with the librarian

Throughout the school, Sharon Murphy, our Librarian delivers guided reading sessions as part of her literacy program. 

Lessons may take place in the library or in classrooms.

These sessions enrich language and develop reading and thinking skills as stories and books are shared.